Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Let's see if we can post from the Blackberry. Need to get more involved in all my computer mumbo jumbo. More I can do on the road, on the run, the more productive I can be in 2010!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Come on 2010

OK, OK, I have ignored my blog, I have ignored my store, I have ignored my muse BUT I promise, THIS WILL CHANGE!
I have never been one to make New Years Resolutions so why start now? START NOW! I will start NOW! small.... usually works best. A list of things I would like to do, publicly written. Here we go!
Thank you.

Blog once a week, or more (about anything)
List on Etsy once a day
Work on my ebay store
Wii 3 X week
Eat Healthier
Get stuff in my Annville space once a month
Get stuff in OEW twice a month (if no improvement by March PULL OUT!!!)
Go Places, See Things, Do Stuff!!!!!!!!!!!