Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ladybugs Ladybugs......

Thanks to, Nicole of RJBeads, I am able to join in on the Bloggy Giveaways.

You can be the lucky winner of these 6 wood painted very spring like Ladybugs. You will receive 6 ladybug magnets, GREAT for altered art projects, scrapbooking, card making or just sticking to the frig. They measure over 1 1/2 inches from their bottoms to their antenna. This Bloggy Giveaway is open to everyone. so please just leave a comment with either your email address or blog address for us to get in touch with you.

Contest is open through Midnight EST on April 26th. We will draw a Bloggy Winner by the 30th, and will notify them by May 1st.

Thank you for stopping by and please visit my shop PINKEE


Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

My niece loves lady bugs...

Thanks for this opportunity,

michelle said...

It is hard to tell how big they are from the picture, but I think these could make a great centerpiece on a table that is spread out of a picnic. I think they are so cute. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Momala said...

Too cute! count me in!

Yard Sale Princess said...

These would be perfect to use in The Bella's room. We are going to do a garden theme in her room and she LOVES ladybugs!

BlaqueButterfly said...

Aww...LadyBug is the nickname my grandmother, mom, me and my daughters call each other...too cute

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

Oh how neat.. I know exatly where I would put them!

Springjoy said...

Those are the cutest things! I love ladybugs. :)

alaskawildrose AT

Kimberly said...

How cute are those!!!!!! They would look great in my garden theme dining room.

We seem to get a lot of ladybugs in our condo. I hear they are good luck. That is why I never harm them. When I catch them (before the cats do!) I set them free outside.

It says my name is Matthew (that is my son). My name is really Kimberly and I can be reached at hunnyv at optonline dot net. THANKS!

lydia said...

Cute! Count me in please!

Jawan said...

I love ladybugs. My two sons and I went out in the backyard yesterday and caught twelve of them to put in their insect trap. Cute!

Betsy said...

Very cute!

Kathy said...

Cute cute cute! Thanks, Kathy

Gigi Lynn said...

These are adorable! My daughters would love these hanging on their bedroom walls, if they are attachable like that; it's hard to tell. Please enter us! Thank you!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

My 7 year old was a ladybug on her first halloween, and I try to collect all the ones I can for her!

I love them.

I can be contacted through e-mail.

Danielle said...

Oh how cute, please count us in


Wendy aka Misswendiki said...

How cute! I'd love to win!

Christi said...

Oh my daughter would love these for her teacher! They both love ladybugs! It would be such a nice treat for them both!

Summer said...

Those are adorable!

Anonymous said...

Really cute! I think they would look adorable on my laundry room wall.

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

How cute! Please enter me in your drawing!

Elizabeth Giger said...

This would be wonderful! Our little girl is due in June, and we are using a lot of ladybugs to decorate her nursery. Perfect!

Katy said...

YAY!!! please sign me up!!! My dad always called me Katybug growing up!!! :) (i also owned a VW bug when i was 16)...i would love these! :)

Amanda said...

SO cute...and i love the monkey in the fez hat stick-on in your cute!

Skye said...

Cute! We love lady bugs!
Welcome to the world of blogging! Good Luck with your Etsy shop!

PS said...

How big are these! They would be great on our screen porch, if I'm getting the scale right! They are so cute though. But I do have a love/hate relationship with the real things!

Rebecca said...

very cute giveaway!

Muddy said...

Those are pretty, thanks for offering them.

Huguette En said...

They are so cute ♥

Elaine said...

Thanks for the drawing!

noreen said...

very cute bugs

James & Andrea said...

These are adorable! Thanks so much.

Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

These are adorable!

Beth said...

I love this giveaway idea! Thanks for the chance to participate!

Cactusflower said...

What pretty ladybugs! I can think of lots of things I'd like to do with those, and I know my little one would love to use them in a craft.


Choppzs said...

I absolutely love ladybugs.

I have 2 tattoos of ladybugs, and would love to have the ones you are giving away!

phxbne said...

So cute! Thanks for your giveaway!

Audra Marie said...

These are adorable! Love them. :)

Thanks for the giveaway. :)


Renee said...

Wow! Very nice prize . ..thanks for the chance to win!


CanCan said...

These are so cute!

Nadine said...

OMG, I lurv ladybugs!!!

Anonymous said...

There so cute and would look nice on my fridge.

Mozi Esme said...

Oh, how cute! I would love to win and am always looking for craft ideas.

Amy said...

So, so cute. My son is fascinated by ladybugs and even has a special place in his heart for them.

pinkgingham said...

Those are so cute! Thanks for the chance!

Tasha said...

Too cute!!!

Jon and Sarah said...

Very cute magnets. My daughter would love to see these on our fridge.

Anonymous said...

These little lady bugs are so Great!


Hey, don't forget my giveaways!

Alitheia said...

lovely, count me in =)

The Chatty Housewife said...

Thank you for the great giveaway, I'd love to win! nw_wife(at)hotmail(dot)com

Suzie Williams said...

These are cute! I'd give them to my sister Katie. She loves ladybugs and my mom would always call her "Katiebug Ladybug"

katklaw777 said...

Very cute!!! a bugs life for me! nice giveaway thnx

Tia said...

Oh these are beautiful, please enter me

CrystalGB said...

These are so darling. I love lady bugs.

Emily said...

We love ladybugs in this house (1 year old daughter)! These are so cute!

Marcia said...

MY daughter loves lady bugs! and magnets! She loves when we go to my aunt's house, she has lots of magnets she can play with (somehow 3 of them ended up at MY house..hmm wonder who could've done that?).

lyn21 said...

Very cute!!

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

How cute! Please include me in your drawing.
lifessmalltreasures [at]

Tarasview said...

I would love to win this! Please enter me.

My Trendy Tykes said...

Oh, how fun!
I love ladybugs.


Jeanette J said...

They're so cute. Please enter me

Krista said...

I always need more magnets for my fridge! These are too cute!
teacherkrista at gmail dot com

frugallm said...

These are so cute!!! Please enter me!

Not Trying For A Boy said...

Very cute! please enter me.

Telima said...

Those are darling lady bugs! My email address is in my Blogger profile, just in case I win!

Jennifer Bogart said...

My oldest DD's favourite dress has ladybugs on a navy background. I would put them on the fridge for sure!

jennifer @ quiverfull family. com no spaces

Richelle said...

So cute! Count me in, please!

JANA said...

oh my niece is obsessed with lady bugs!

Audra said...

I just love them! Unlike most other bugs I would love to have them crawling around on my fridge. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jinxy and Me said...

So cute! Thanks for the giveaway!

Kim said...

What a wonderful giveaway you are doing here.

Have fun with your giveaway. Don't forget to head on over to my blog and enter mine!

sweetsue said...

I adore ladybugs even though they bite. At least one bit me once.

Fae said...

so cute! my fridge is looking bare! thanks for the contest!

Paisley said...

Cute ladybugs! Thank you for the giveaway!

megret7 said...

These are simply precious.

Carrie and Jeff said...

Lady bug stuff is so cute. I would love these.

Re said...

Great giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner! :)

Erica G said...

Very cute!

egreca [at] hotmail [dot] com